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10+ Study Habits That Actually Make a Difference

May 17, 2023

10+ Study Habits That Actually Make a Difference

If you’re like most students, you’ve probably been told more than once (or twice or thrice) that studying is the key to success in your classes. 

And while that is definitely true, it isn’t always easy to figure out which study habits will be the most effective for each individual. 

To help make things easier, here are 10+ study habits that actually make a difference when it comes to acing your exams and getting good grades. 

What are the 7 Types of Effective Study Habits?

What are good study habits? There are seven main types of study habits that are well accepted in the academic world:

  • planning and goal setting
  • time management and organization
  • use of effective study techniques
  • review notes regularly
  • Self-testing
  • working in groups and delegating tasks

Each of these practices, when used in combination with one another, provide students with the tools necessary to tackle any assignments that come their way. 

Utilizing these skills will offer students the resources needed to reach any educational milestones they set for themselves because after all, effective study habits are a key to academic success. No matter what student goals one may have, developing and maintaining strong study practices can help bolster their path to whatever educational dream they have chosen. 

The best way to learn good habits for studying? By working with an academic tutor. Your tutor will be able to show you the best study habits and help rid you of your bad ones. Plus, you’ll learn academic skills like the ones you see in the video below: 

What Could Be Considered Bad Study Habits?

Studying is a necessary part of life, whether we’re in school or not. And while it may seem like there is no one “right” way to study, there are some common bad habits that can hinder our progress and make studying less effective. So let’s take a look at what could be considered bad study habits – and how to avoid them! 


Perhaps the most obvious of all bad habits is procrastination. Putting off your studying until the last minute will only leave you feeling rushed and stressed. Instead of waiting until the last minute, create a plan for when you will work on each assignment or task so that you don’t fall behind. 


While multitasking may seem like a great way to get more done in less time, it can actually have the opposite effect. 

When you try to do two things at once, your brain has to switch back and forth between tasks, which consumes energy and makes both tasks take longer than they would if you focused on one at a time. So resist the urge to multitask and focus on one task at a time for better results. 

Relying Too Much on Technology 

Technology can be an invaluable tool for studying, but relying too much on technology can actually be detrimental to our learning process.

For example, using digital flashcards instead of paper ones can be convenient but doesn’t give us the same tactile feedback as paper cards do; this means we won’t remember information as well as if we had written it down ourselves. So use technology wisely – but don’t forget about the basics!  


Finally, distractions are another common bad habit when it comes to studying. Whether it’s checking our phones every few minutes or getting caught up in social media scrolling sessions, these distractions can prevent us from focusing on the task at hand and completing our work efficiently (and effectively). 

So find ways to minimize distractions by turning off notifications or setting aside specific times for browsing social media so that you can stay focused when studying. 

Top 10 Effective Study Habits for High School

The middle and high school years are the best time for you to form study habits that will guide you through a great academic career! Your parents and teachers might be able to encourage and push you further, but staying on top of things ultimately falls on you. If you start practicing effective study habits now, you will discover later that it was well worth the effort. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Set up a schedule

One of the most effective study habits is to make sure you do your homework at a specific time every day. Allow for a few hours when there is nothing else you need to do, so nothing is stressing you out or keeping your mind off of the work. Decide how much time you’re going to give to each class, and put aside more time for harder classes.

2. Create a workspace

Set up your study space so that it caters to your individual learning style, whether that’s completely quiet, or perhaps with a bit a background music. Also, keep everything organized and clean, as well; if your workspace is pleasant, this will make studying a lot easier!

3. Avoid distractions

Don’t fall into the trap of leaving the TV on while working or being constantly interrupted by Facebook notifications. Switch everything off and only use the Internet for research. These kinds of seemingly harmless disturbances can end up taking hours from your work without you even realizing it, so remain focused and stay on schedule.

4. Use a planner

For most students, this is the best way to keep track of tasks, manage your time, and remember important dates for upcoming tests and assignments. Not the planner type? Find another method that works for you – whatever helps you keep everything organized!

5. Take breaks

Always take breaks when doing your homework. Although you may be in a hurry and desperate to finish, the truth is that the more you cram, the less you really learn. Try splitting the work into manageable parts and take regular breaks after you finish a task. This way, you’ll stay rested, you’ll remember everything you read, and you won’t get burned out.

6. Reward yourself

When you finish a difficult or time-consuming project, reward yourself! If you have a huge test coming up, plan to go to a movie with your friends that night. Do something that allows you to unwind and have fun so that you have the motivation to get started on something new again soon.

7. Determine your learning style

If you’re finding it difficult to remember things, then perhaps you are not making the most of your particular learning style. Some students learn more effectively through visual aids, while others learn by hearing someone explain it to them. Some need to write the information in order to memorize it, while others feel the need to physically engage in a project and learn through experience. Determine your style, and make the most of your strengths.

8. Take care of yourself

Just because you’re busy and have a test coming up doesn’t mean that you should forget about what comes first – which is you being well-rested, healthy, and happy. Take care of your body and mind by sleeping well, eating healthy, and exercising — the rest will follow.

9. Take advantage of resources

Use the local library. Don’t forget – you’re not expected to know all of the answers right away! Take advantage of the resources at your fingertips, such as your local library. Incorporating outside resources – like images and documentaries – can add life to your school projects.

10. Ask for support

If you feel that a particular topic is too difficult for you or your teacher at school is not explaining it well, don’t be afraid to ask for extra help. Private tutors are a great option for support; not only will he or she help you understand the material, but they can help you develop good study habits and stay organized. Study groups with friends in your classes can also work – as long as you stay on task!

What Are the Best Study Habits for College?

College is a demanding time for students, with classes, exams, and projects all vying for their attention. It can be overwhelming trying to juggle it all. It’s important to have study habits that are tailored to college life and an efficient way of managing your studies.Although this post focused primarily on good studying habits for high school, you might be asking yourself, “what are some good study habits for college?” Here’s your answer!

Set Up a Study Schedule 

Setting up a study schedule is key in college. You want to make sure that you are budgeting your time wisely so that you are not cramming at the last minute or forgetting important tasks. 

A study schedule will help keep you organized and on track which can also reduce stress levels. In addition, having a designated time each day where you devote solely to studying can increase productivity and help prevent procrastination. 

Utilize Technology (Just Not Too much)  

Technology has become an essential part of our lives, and it can be used when it comes to studying too! There are plenty of useful apps out there, such as Quizlet or Flashcards Deluxe, which can help you memorize facts quickly and easily. 

Other apps like Forest help with productivity by providing rewards when tasks are completed on time! So don’t be afraid to use technology as a tool – it may just make studying a little easier (and more fun)! That said, heed the advice we gave you earlier in this post and use it just as that – a tool – and not as a crutch.

Stay Positive 

It’s important to stay positive while studying because negative thoughts can lead to burnout and loss of motivation. Try rewarding yourself for small successes like completing assignments before the deadline or achieving a high grade on an exam. 

Celebrating your successes will help reinforce good habits and create motivation for future accomplishments! Additionally, surround yourself with people who support your goals; friends who understand the importance of hard work may be able to provide additional encouragement during difficult times. 

How to Improve Study Habits

Improving study habits can seem like a difficult but essential task. Some tips for getting better in studying include developing and sticking to a regular schedule, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and remaining organized with notes, supplies, and textbooks. 

Also, it’s important to take enough breaks and make sure to do something fun to help relax. However, if these tips still don’t seem to be helping, then it may be best to sign up for academic tutoring. 

Tutoring programs provide an excellent way to feel motivated and get personalized help with troublesome topics or course load. With an experienced tutor providing guidance, it is possible to unlock the secrets behind proper study methods in no time.

Establishing solid study habits now will prove to be a great asset in your life. So stay concentrated and motivated; invest some time and effort now and you will be glad you did!


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Photo by Steven S.


Suzy S.