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Provider Updates as of 06/16/2022

June 16, 2022

Provider update image

Welcome to Provider Updates!

This Provider Updates page will help to make sure that you are up to date on any new changes we are making to the site. Takelessons is constantly making changes to improve the experience for all of our teachers. With that, we have created video presentations that will keep all of our teachers in the loop!

Some things that you can expect from these video presentations

  • New features being added
  • Upcoming site promotions
  • Changes to your profiles
  • Changes to the business that relate to earnings such as fee reductions
  • Upcoming opportunities to partner with us
  • Invites to educational events such as Provider interviews, and AMA’s 
  • Tips, tricks and helpful information to be successful with!

This video below covers all of the updates for our Providers as of 06/16/22!

If you have suggestions, questions or concerns, feel free to email us at: We hope this helps you all stay up to date with the changes that we are making! Read-Only options available upon request.


Michael Spann