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Private lessons with top Guitar instructors near Boston, MA

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Chase has been working with my two daughters (ages 10 and 6) and me for a few months now. We enjoy our individual guitar lessons and appreciate Chase's ability to modify each lesson based on our prog

Melissa Overgaard (Guitar lessons with Chase R.)

During my lessons with Chase Robinson, I have learned and done a variety of things. Chase has many admirable qualities like his patience, friendliness, and positive attitude, all these things contribu

Munjula Presentation (Guitar lessons with Chase R.)

As I became interested in the idea of learning how to play guitar I started out and made it clear that I had absolutely no knowledge of anything regarding anything. I had the dreadful thought that I w

Amy (Guitar lessons with Chase R.)

An Excellent Teacher! Our daughter Charis has taken lessons from Chase for over 2 years. From the first lesson, his patient demeanor put her completely at ease. During that time we have seen her un

Christie (Guitar lessons with Chase R.)

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Taking Guitar Lessons in Boston, MA

Khris M.

By Khris M. - Boston Guitar Teacher

Do you want to learn how to play the guitar in Boston? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. Private guitar lessons and classes with a TakeLessons Certified™ teacher near you - whether in-home, studio, or online classes - accelerates progress, increases enjoyment, and improves every beginner's chances of becoming an expert player.

TakeLessons is dedicated to providing quality guitar lessons in Boston with top instructors. Boston is a great place to take guitar lessons because this city is home to many great music schools (including Berklee College of Music, the New England Conservatory and the Boston Conservatory to name a few) and is an epicenter for music and the arts.

Boston’s world-renowned music schools have played a part in the lives of some of the world’s most talented guitarists from every genre, including John Mayer, Steve Vai, Pat Metheny and many others. The TakeLessons instructors who teach guitar lessons in Boston have had the unique opportunity to attend some of the most prestigious music institutions in the world and can therefore offer some of the best music instruction available anywhere to those seeking quality lessons.

Boston offers a wide variety of live musical styles easily accessed at any one of its many clubs, bars, restaurants or other musical venues, including the House of Blues, Boston Symphony Hall, the Berklee Performance Center and even the local T station. As guitar instructors in Boston, we are fortunate to be a part of a versatile and rich music environment. Students who take guitar lessons in Boston are not only receiving instruction based on their instructor’s own experience, but are also learning from the wealth of musical information that Boston has to offer the world.

Our guitar instructors work with students of all ages: kids, teenagers, adults, and even seniors. We guarantee a customized experience that will exceed your expectations. In fact, we are so committed to your happiness that we offer all new customers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on your first lesson.

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