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Dr. Dianala Bernard is an incredible academic success tutor. I was struggling immensly in learning Spanish and she not only raised my confidence in learning the language, but she gave me many pointers

J Allen (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Dr. D. Was patient and engaging.

Tan (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

You will not find a better tutor! Dr D was professionally and personally invested in the success of my daughter. She is fantastic and went above and beyond to make sure my daughter was prepared.

Tiersa (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Great first lesson. Dr D is patient, encouraging and very interactive. Looking forward to more!

Thuli (Spanish lessons with Dr. D. B.)

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Spanish Lessons in Baltimore, MD

So you’re considering learning Spanish! Picking up a new language is always a good idea, but Spanish - the fastest growing language in the country - is an especially good choice, and Baltimore is a great location to learn and flex your new Spanish skills.

Spanish lessons in Baltimore are not hard to come by. A variety of different lessons are available for a range of speakers, from the beginners to those who are looking to brush up on conversational skills they have lost over years of inactivity. Speaking a second language, especially Spanish, can be beneficial in a variety of different ways, but to truly learn the language, one must immerse oneself in the culture and sounds of their new language. Thankfully, the city is home to a plethora of resources to take advantage of during your Spanish lessons in Baltimore.

Immersing Yourself in the Spanish Language While learning Spanish in an academic setting is the first stepping stone to becoming a conversational speaker of a second language, not everything can be learned in this way. Every language has subtle nuances, slang and diction that are not easily taught in an academic setting. Those who are looking to become fluent or conversational in Spanish would be best served by supplementing their language lessons with regular conversation with Spanish speakers. Thankfully, this can be accommodated in Baltimore, as Spanish speakers are plentiful.

Spanish-Speaking Neighborhoods in Baltimore Baltimore, while not known as a main hub for the Hispanic community, does have a growing, if still small, Hispanic population. Baltimore’s Hispanic population is actually perfectly suited for immersing oneself in Spanish language and culture because it is diverse. Utilizing the community in conjunction with Spanish lessons in Baltimore can help you to quickly further your studies.

Baltimore’s Hispanic population is largely confined to the Highlandtown and Fells Point neighborhoods of the city, although small pockets of Hispanic residents can be found in Greektown and Upper Park Heights. Highlandtown, in particular, has a wide and varied Hispanic culture, and many of the neighborhood’s small businesses are owned and operated by native Spanish-speakers. For those interested in truly immersing themselves in the Spanish language during the learning process, regular visits to such a neighborhood would be beneficial.

Hispanic neighborhoods are often home to bookstores with large Spanish sections. By reading magazines or books in Spanish, you can develop your skill set fairly quickly. The Public Library in Highlandtown is also a good resource for Spanish fiction and non-fiction reading.

Furthering Your Skills While speaking regularly with Spanish speakers or other people learning the language is the top way to immerse yourself in another language, there is plenty you can do at home, without Spanish speakers present, to further your studies. Experts suggest that those learning a new language should utilize radio, television and websites in the language they are learning. Fortunately, Spanish television and radio are easy to come by in the Baltimore area. By simply watching or listening to Spanish on the television, you can quickly pick up skills that are difficult to replicate in an academic setting. Experts also suggest reading Spanish websites, or setting English websites to the Spanish translation to enhance your knowledge of the language. By reading and hearing Spanish, you’ll be able to brush up on what you’ve learned during your time in Spanish language lessons and pick up the subtle nuances of the language.

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