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Private lessons with top French instructors near Austin, TX

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Helene A.

Helene A.

Professional French Instructor

Private Lessons
Austin, TX
Tania B.

Tania B.

David M.

David M.

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So far, my French classes were amazing and my instructor is amazing too. She made it very simple to learn and gave me tricks for fast learning.

Hind (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Just the sweetest person. So much fun learning

Patrice (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

Very patient, friendly, and helpful. I am enjoying my lessons so far. I expect I will feel even more strongly positive about Evelyne's courses as I go through more of them. She is very sweet and encou

Daphne (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

She is an absolutely phenomenal instructor. Would highly reccommend.

Joelle (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

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French Lessons in Austin, TX

By Amy V. - Austin French Tutor

Hello! I'm Amy, a French Tutor in Austin, Texas. Are you interested in taking French lessons in Austin and need some recommendations for practicing your French skills around town? Here are some suggestions tailored to a variety of tastes!

Did you know Texas has a historic relationship with France? After Texas declared independence from Mexico, France was one of the first countries to recognize it as a sovereign country. To further this relationship, King Louis Philippe of France sent Monsieur Dubois, chargé d'affaires, to Austin. Today, you can visit Dubois' home - the historic French Legation building on San Marcos Street, built in a traditional Creole architectural style in 1841. Mark your calendars for July 14, La Fête nationale (Bastille Day), to see a truly spectacular celebration at the home. This is a great opportunity to understand a bit of French history and to learn about France's former government.

Need another excuse to practice your French? How about sampling French cuisine? For a true French brasserie experience, head to Justine’s in East Austin. Try their steak frites or moules. Or perhaps you fancy tasting some regional French cuisine. If that's the case, dine at laV, a French restaurant in downtown Austin featuring Provençale cuisine. In the mood for fresh bread and pastries? Check out Baguette et Chocolat, a local boulangerie that will satisfy any sweet tooth. Treat yourself, and use the opportunity to practice your ordering and food vocabulary!

Have an affinity for French film? Stay abreast of local French film festivals sponsored by the Austin Film Society. Austin's twin city in France is Angers, and the two cities often partner together to show the latest releases around town. The Westbank Library also hosts a monthly French Film Club event ( You can also find many French and Francophone media events during the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival and the French Cultures Festival (with events throughout Texas). Le French Tech Club also hosts cultural events year-round ( Experiencing French music, film, and art is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the culture while having a great time.

Perhaps you enjoy outdoor activities and want to practice your French skills. Why not try the game of pétanque, a game of boules similar to bocce ball. Austin has a Pétanque club that gets together and plays the game. What a great opportunity to practice your conversation skills in an active setting! Or, if you prefer a faster-paced outing, check out the annual Lone Star Le Mans Formula One race in September! A European tradition, Formula One races attract many Francophones. A great chance to learn to cheer and celebrate in French!

Looking for a relaxed, conversational environment to speak French? Consider joining French in Austin, an organization that caters to Francophones and Francophiles. They put together French Fridays, with varying outings around town. Or, if you're a business professional, consider joining the French-American business council ( The FABC promotes international business relationships and is a great opportunity to network and expand your horizons while practicing your language acquisition.

Hopefully these resources will inspire you to continue practicing your French while taking French lessons in Austin, whether you're a beginner or advanced student! Feel free to reach out for more recommendations based on your personal interests. I look forward to working with you soon!

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