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Music Lessons near Dedham, MA

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Music Lessons near Dedham

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I took piano lessons with Josh for several months in my home, and it was a really great experience. I have a significant classical background, and was taking lessons to learn more about jazz theory a

James Winter (Piano lessons with Josh F.)

Great first lesson. Instructor is clearly very experienced and took time to get to know my background, my goals, and test my basic skills to start to outline my curriculum. Studio was well set up, I f

Audrey (Piano lessons with Josh F.)

Wow! No music instructor connected as closely as Josh did with my 13-year-old son. Josh met him on his own terms, using the music that my son likes rather than dragging him through other kinds. And

Alison Zetterquist (Singing lessons with Josh F.)

Josh is awesome! He is so patient and definitely has a unique way of bonding with my daughter - so she listens! Incredible!

Katie Luo (Piano lessons with Josh F.)

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Package options of 1, 5, 10 or 15 lessons
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Small group of students, guided by an expert teacher
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