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Performing Arts Lessons near Dover, NH

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Performing Arts Lessons near Dover

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Mr. Johnson has been not only an extremely helpful and enjoyable teacher, but a huge motivator to keep improving and putting myself out into the field. I've just received my first role for a small par

Luke (Voice Acting lessons with Dennis J.)

Dennis Johnson is extremely passionate and knowledgable about every topic relating to acting and voiceovers. His classes are friendly, warm, funny, inviting and are always very positive. Although his

Elizabeth (Acting lessons with Dennis J.)

There aren’t enough good words to say about acting coach, Dennis Johnson, of Rollicking Productions. Personally, I have had the pleasure of working with Dennis for 5 years and his commitment, knowledg

Laura M. (Acting lessons with Dennis J.)

Dennis C. Johnson brings decades of performing experience to his students. Through improvisation, script analysis, on-camera technique, audition training, and facial and voice control, Dennis gives th

Bob (Acting lessons with Dennis J.)

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