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Writing articles & Resources

Writing resources, articles and tips for beginner and beyond

The Benefits of Writing Tutoring: Is It Worth It?

Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images Writing can be a tricky and frustrating task, especially when you don’t get the desired results.   From school papers to online articles, writers around the world often struggle with understanding how they can improve their writing skills and reach new heights of success.   But what if we told you there was an easier way?   Writing tutors are becoming increasingly popular among students and professional content creators alike, provi

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Unlock Your Child’s Writing Potential with Handwriting Tutors

Elva Etienne / Moment / Getty Images Do you find yourself concerned about your child's handwriting? Are you worried it might affect their academic performance or self-esteem?   With many schools now focusing more on typing than penmanship, the importance of good handwriting might slip through the cracks.   However, as parents, it’s essential to recognize and address any difficulties your child may be facing with their writing skills.   This is where handwriting tutors come i

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Unlock Your Potential With an Essay Tutor

Olga Rolenko / Moment / Getty Images Writing an essay can be a daunting task for many students. From coming up with ideas to structuring the essay and polishing it for submission, writing an essay can be overwhelming.  Are you struggling with essay writing? Do you need help getting your writing to the next level?   If so, working with an essay tutor could be the key to unlocking your potential as a writer. Essay tutoring can provide personalized guidance and feedback to help you sub

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4+ Creative Writing Exercises to Improve Your Prose

Halfpoint Images / Moment / Getty Images If you’re a writer, chances are you’ve heard the same old advice about how to improve your writing. It can be pretty boring stuff, like reading more books or writing every day. But what if there were fun ways to level up your writing skills?  Well, there are! Here are some creative writing exercises to help you become an even better writer. What Are the 8 Types of Creative Writing? Creative writing is an art form found in many facets of

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Writing Tips for Kids: How to Think of Great Story Ideas

Are you a kid who loves to write? Are you struggling to come up with epic story ideas? Look no further! We have the perfect tips and tricks for coming up with amazing ideas for stories.  Writing can be incredibly fun, especially when it comes to creating your own stories from the ground up. But coming up with great story ideas can sometimes be challenging, especially if you're new to writing or just don't know where to start.  Luckily, there are some tried-and-true methods that can he

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5 Tips for Acing Your Composition Writing Class

Falling behind in your freshman composition writing class? There's still time to get caught up. Keep reading for helpful tips from Machias, ME tutor and English teacher Matt M...   If you are a college student taking a composition writing class, you know that the ability to craft a persuasive argument and express yourself effectively in written form is essential for success in school and beyond.  But how do you ensure that your writing is up to par? Here are some tips to help you

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What Great Writers Can Learn From Children's Books

Most experts agree: when you're learning how to write, reading as much as possible should be part of your daily life. And that means reading everything! Here, New Milford, NJ teacher Matthew H. explains what you can even learn from your favorite childhood books...   Sometimes the simplest stories are the best ones. That's why many of the world's greatest authors look to children's literature for inspiration. After all, what could be more pure and innocent than a child's imagination

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Fun and Unique Offerings to Consider at TakeLessons

Nearly 15 years ago, TakeLessons began as a platform for musicians to teach their craft. But it has since welcomed such an impressive menagerie of talent that students can now also meet an astrologist, dancer, painter or nutritionist on any given Tuesday afternoon.   Every day, thousands of specialized instructors log on for one-on-one mentorships or lively group discussions around infinite passions that bring like-minded people together. Within TakeLessons is such a surprising marketp

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Writing Strategies: How Can a Writing Tutor Help My Child?

Vctor Del Pino / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images If your child is struggling with writing or reading, you may be wondering if hiring a tutor will help. Here, St. Paul, MN teacher Marilyn G. shares what to expect from a tutor, and how you can continue helping your child along the way...   There are a number of writing strategies that a tutor can help your child with. Here are three of the most important: organization, grammar, and style. Organizing ideas into a cohesive whole is essentia

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Creative Writing: Not That Different from Academic Writing?

Think creative writing is all that different from writing a research paper in class? You might be surprised! Read on as New Milford, NJ tutor Matthew H. explains...   No one ever said that academic writing and creative writing were the same, but is there really that big of a difference?  After all, both types of writing require you to come up with ideas, organize them in a logical way, and communicate your thoughts effectively. In some ways, academic writing may be a little bit s

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