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Music Lessons near Bradenton, FL

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Music Lessons near Bradenton

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Phillip's easy/going manner makes for a smooth lesson

Loyce (Singing lessons with Phillip F.)

My son has taken piano lessons for several years. He had lost interest for awhile but due to a move we found Phillip. Having Phillip teach him piano has got him excited about piano again. Phillip has

Debbie Beverly (Piano lessons with Phillip F.)

Mr Phillip is awesome! He takes the time to build a relationship and connect with my grandchild. He is a foundational teacher and doesn't take shortcuts. He also works hard and is dedicated profession

Bailey Davis (Piano lessons with Phillip F.)

I was a little nervous because I haven't really sung for anyone in about ten years but Phillip is very relaxed and made me feel at ease immediately. I'm really glad I decided to start training my voic

Agatha (Opera Voice lessons with Phillip F.)

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