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Music Lessons near Springfield Gardens, NY

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Music Lessons near Springfield Gardens

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

She's the best! I was a very insecure man, I did a lot of "behind the scenes" work like writing and producing music. I never saw myself in front of an audience, but I realized I wanted to overcome my

Eddie (Gospel Singing lessons with Christine G.)

My partner and I have been taking singing classes with Christine and it has been such an amazing experience. She is such a phenomenal teacher and really takes the time to help you get to the place you

Charisma (Piano lessons with Christine G.)

I brought my child who is currently 10 years old to strengthen her singing voice about a year ago. Within a very short span of time, my daughter developed a stronger singing voice and vocal range. She

Zealea (Vocal Training lessons with Christine G.)

Christine helped me find my way back to the world of singing. I had not stepped out to sing in years and she assisted me with vocal training, stage fright and stage presence. She has a unique, loving

Cynthia (Vocal Training lessons with Christine G.)

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