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Music Lessons near Mc Lean, VA

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Music Lessons near Mc Lean

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

LeeLee was a great teacher for my spirited 10 year old. She was flexible, responsive and easy-going, and the pace of the lessons was just right. She and my daughter really became friends during the c

Amy (Guitar lessons with LeeLee H.)

LeeLee is a really wonderful teacher. She’s calm, patient, knowledgeable, and flexible. She is able to offer insights that are allowing me to make much faster progress than I ever have on my own or wi

Soha (Ukulele lessons with LeeLee H.)

I am a new student to the guitar and LeeLee is a great instructor! Her teaching style or technique really made me comfortable and relaxed, even after multiple mistakes I made. She had me playing bet

Isaiah (Guitar lessons with LeeLee H.)

I started taking ukulele lessons with LeeLee as an adult. She was very encouraging, professional, and flexible. She focused on the basic musical elements, always explaining concepts. She was will

Lynnetta (Ukulele lessons with LeeLee H.)

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