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Japanese 2 articles & Resources

Japanese 2 resources, articles and tips for beginner and beyond

The Ultimate Guide to the AP Japanese Exam

Bento Fotography / Moment / Getty Images With its intense level of difficulty, many students are left wondering if it’s worth taking the AP Japanese exam and how to prepare for it.  If you’re one of those bright students interested in studying the Japanese language and culture, there is no better way to demonstrate your mastery than taking the AP Japanese Language and Culture (AP Japanese) exam.   In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the taking the ex

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Japanese Vocabulary: More Than 100 Ways to Express Yourself!

Eriko Koga / Stone / Getty Images It's important to be able to express yourself in any language, and learning to express yourself in Japanese can help you communicate more effectively with native Japanese speakers. Here, Washington, DC language teacher Taro T. teaches you some words, phrases, and Japanese vocabulary to express your emotions...  Japanese culture is what anthropologist Edward T. Hall might call a high-context culture. In a high-context culture, you don't have to say much in

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7 Simple Ways to Study Japanese

MixMedia / E+ / Getty Images Lots of people are interested in learning Japanese, but they quickly discover that Japanese is not a simple language. With hard work and the right study habits, learning the language can be fun and rewarding. Here are seven easy ways to study Japanese from language teacher Elaina R... Learning a foreign language can seem like a daunting task, but with the right plan of attack you can be speaking Japanese in no time! We’ve outlined seven simple steps to make

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The Japanese Writing Systems for Beginners: Learn Kanji

EujarimPhotography / Moment / Getty Images When you're studying Japanese, you will learn new vocabulary, grammar, and writing systems. Now that you've been introduced to hiragana , it's time to talk about kanji. Here, Brighton, MA Japanese teacher Karou N. shares some effective study tips to help you learn kanji... In Japan, there are three written systems: hiragana, katakana and kanji. Of these, kanji is by far the most complex.  However, it is also the most important to learn if yo

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15 Japanese Vocabulary Words for Travelers

Are you traveling to Japan in the near future? If so, it's important that you learn some basic Japanese vocabulary words.  Otherwise, you might find yourself struggling to communicate with locals. In this blog post, we will provide a list of 15 essential Japanese vocabulary words for travelers.  We hope you find it helpful! What Are the Most Used Japanese Words? There are many vocabulary in Japanese words associated with travel, and some of the most commonly used are listed belo

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Manga Madness: 8 Artists at Comic-Con

Great news for all you manga, comic book, and anime fans, the best artists and writers in the business will be featured guests this summer at Comic-Con International 2015 in downtown San Diego. Comic-Con International: San Diego is the year’s premiere event to promote comic books, films, artwork, science fiction literature, and more. What started as a single-day event in 1970, has turned into a four-day convention and one of the most highly-anticipated events of the year. In Comic-Con

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Japanese Etiquette: The Dos and Don'ts of Mealtime

There are a few important things you should know when you sit down to a Japanese meal. So whether you're visiting Japan or joining some Japanese friends for dinner, learn some basic Japanese etiquette with language tutor Emily G... Foreigners traveling to Japan often find themselves overwhelmed not only by the new sights and sounds, but also by the country's unique etiquette. One of the most common places where foreigners encounter Japanese etiquette is during mealtime.  Japan’s cult

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The 7 Best Japanese Language Videos for Students

  Japanese language videos can be great for students. They can help with learning the language and with pronunciation. In addition, they can be entertaining and informative. There are many different Japanese language videos available online.  Here are seven of the best ones! What is the Best Channel to Learn Japanese? There are a number of different ways to learn Japanese, and it can be tough to decide which method is right for you. Here are some of the most popular options:

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Japanese Etiquette: How to Be a Polite House Guest

Every culture has its own set of social graces, and following rules and minding your manners can prevent awkward encounters. So whether you're taking Japanese lessons or you're just interested in other cultures, learn essential Japanese etiquette with Montgomery, TX teacher Emily G... It might be surprising to know, but Japan has a set of etiquette rules that govern how to act while staying as a guest in someone's home. In fact, there are even specific instructions on how to behave when tak

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5 Japanese Wedding Traditions: Weddings Around the World

Giving gifts and honoring parents aren't just Korean wedding traditions - they're also important components of Japanese weddings. In this article, you'll learn about the unique traditions and rituals associated with Japanese weddings... When you think of weddings, what comes to mind? A priest, a bride in white, and a groom in a tuxedo? While this may be the case in some cultures, there are many traditions that vary around the world.  Today we're taking a look at five Japanese weddin

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