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Music performance 2 articles & Resources

Music performance 2 resources, articles and tips for beginner and beyond

Jazz, Dupstep, & Hip Hop Violin: Violin Music Genres You Should Try

Stuck in a musical rut? There's no need to wallow in your boredom! There are so many genres of music out there to explore, and you might find that one of them is exactly what you've been missing.  The violin is one of the most versatile instruments around. It can be played in a symphony orchestra, a rock band, or even as a solo instrument. Violinists can play classical music, jazz, folk music, and pop music. There are all kinds of violin music genres out there! In fact, there are so many

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The Controversy of Creating a Vocal Range Chart

There are many singing methodologies out there, and each teacher has their own way of teaching.  Some methods use a vocal range chart, while others forego this tool. So, what's the controversy?  Let's take a look at the pros and cons of using a vocal range chart in order to help you make a decision for your own singing.  What Are the 5 Voice Ranges? A vocal range chart highest to lowest ranking will generally include these five voice ranges: Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Alto Te

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How to Handle Rejection as an Actor

As an actor, you will face rejection on a regular basis. It is important to learn how to deal with it in a healthy way so that it does not damage your self-esteem or career. Here are some tips for handling rejection as an actor gracefully. What Are the Struggles of Being an Actor? Being an actor can be a very rewarding career, but it is not without its struggles: Actors must be extremely dedicated to their craft. They need to be constantly studying and honing their skills, so that t

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How to Play Pop Songs With a Violin: A Beginner’s Guide

Oliver Rossi / DigitalVision / Getty Images You are in your bedroom, studying for your math exam while listening to Spotify when all of a sudden, “Toxic” by Britney Spears comes on. That sultry, sizzling violin solo seizes all your attention, and you start nodding your head to the beat. All former plans of productivity are thrown out the window. You feel a sudden, agonizing urge to learn the violin solo, but you don’t know how.  So you google “how to play pop songs with a violin?

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How to Start Playing Jazz Cello

If you're new to playing jazz cello, or just want to improve your skills, here are a few tips to help get you started.  First, learn the basics. You don't need to know everything, but having a basic understanding of jazz chord progressions, scales and arpeggios will give you a strong foundation to build on. Next, practice regularly. The more you play, the better you'll sound.  And finally, find a jam session or gig where you can apply what you've learned. Playing with others is a great w

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What's a Standard Female Vocal Range? And How Every Voice is Different

If you want a short answer, a comfortable standard female vocal range is from about A4 to G5. That’s maybe with a little training from a voice teacher, and different people might feel more comfortable towards the top of that range and others towards the bottom. But pretty much every female voice is physically capable of these notes with some help, and with focused study, it’s very possible to sing well above and below that range! The most important thing to remember is that every voice i

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How to Play Violin In Tune: Tips for Improving Your Pitch

The late Yehudi Menuhin once said, “The genuine Scottish fiddler has an infallible sense of rhythm, never plays out of tune, and is master of his distinctive and inimitable style”. Well, as a Scot myself, I certainly subscribe to that idea, although I can’t give absolute assurance that my own intonation is that infallible.  Where Does Good Intonation Begin? Well, before we start slapping fingers down on the fingerboard we need to know that the violin itself must be in tune. Traditional

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I Want to Play With a Band! How to Start Performing on Uke

If you are reading this then the idea that you would like to start performing ukulele alongside other musicians has crossed your mind. This can seem like a daunting task, even scary, if you aren’t armed with a list of things to start thinking about in order to achieve this goal. There are a few steps to follow when learning a song for the first time (or polishing one you’ve been playing for awhile) in order to get it performance ready. There are also, once you’re ready to start perform

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Can You Improvise On the Cello?

In my last article we looked at jazz cello and some of the possibilities for our instrument in this style. First by imitating the sound of a native jazz instrument (double bass) and then expanding the jazz cello’s vocabulary, so to speak, by imitating artists like Fred Katz and Mark Summer. I emphasized a tiered approach to understanding the genre, first with harmonic and then melodic practice. With exposure to many styles, you can build your unique cello sound and learn to make good melodic m

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How to Play Phantom of the Opera Violin Music

Have you been wondering how to play Phantom of the Opera violin music? Love the score of this beautiful musical, and want to learn it yourself? Playing music sounds like a simple concept. But if you think about it further, it actually has an important artistic goal: to communicate ideas by deciphering the musical, philosophical and artistic meaning of the symbols on the page. Like every classical art form, music has the essential function of showing the viewer or listener the meaning of

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