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Awesome instructor! Patient, encouraging, very knowledgeable. Highly recommend!

Richard (Ukulele lessons with Nils B.)

Where to start about Kat??? She is simply incredible, kind, patient, caring, encouraging, creative, and did I mention she’s patient 😉 I’ve wanted to learn to play an instrument since I was a kid (I’

Vira (Ukulele lessons with Kat M.)

Terrific easy to work with!

Asia Price (Ukulele lessons with Kat M.)

Super friendly, upbeat and patient! Can’t wait until the next lesson!

Shannon (Ukulele lessons with Kat M.)

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Ukulele Lessons in Los Angeles

Devin K. - Los Angeles Ukulele Teacher

My name is Devin K., and I teach ukulele lessons in Los Angeles. I am always thrilled when a student decides to take up ukulele, as it is one of my favorite instruments, and I find it to be delightfully accessible to all kinds of people. Los Angeles has a wealth of resources for those hoping to begin playing or hone existing skills on the ukulele. Below are some of the wonderful events that happen here, which students can seek out to better their knowledge of this fun little instrument.

  1. The Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival is a great place to watch some beautiful performances by expert ukulele players. Watching ukulele performance is a great way to get an idea of the range of this instrument. There are also several great workshops for players of all levels, from beginner to advanced. Attending the festival is a sure way to make some new friends who are passionate about learning ukulele. This event takes place at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center. More information can be found at the website

  2. The Santa Monica Ukulele Festival is another great festival that hosts a gathering of musicians of all ranges. The venue is Santa Monica High School's music department and all donations go to support the venue. On the list of activities, there is time set aside for open mic performances, as well as a Grand Concert in the evening. Workshops are available, as well. Keep visiting the website to find out when the next festival will be:

  3. There are a number of groups that can be found on One of the standouts is The Pluckin' Strummers. This group meets at Christ Church Griffith Park, Atwater Village. Lots of information about this enthusiastic bunch can be found at This group focuses on making great ukulele tunes accessible to people who are learning to play, or who simply want to improve their repertoire. It is also a great opportunity to socialize with like-minded individuals. The Pluckin' Strummers meet twice a month and are very welcoming.

  4. U-Space in Little Tokyo is a fantastic place for ukulele-lovers. This establishment houses several great classes for students of varying levels, as well as Uke Jam nights, which provide a great opportunity to play ukulele with others. U-Space is very dedicated to helping people gain skills in ukulele while building a musical community. More information can be found here:

Ukulele is an instrument that can be played by people of all ages and skill-levels; so, I say any time is a great time to pick one up and learn to play a few chords. While taking ukulele lessons in Los Angeles, all of these events and groups will help you along your path to learning the instrument that brings beaches and palm trees to mind with just a few strums. Keep adding songs and chords to your repertoire, and soon you'll be playing with the best of them.

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